Thursday, April 10, 2008

Politically biased musical butchery!

Do you remember the old 1983 song from the Weather Girls, It's Raining Men? Released in the UK in August 1983, it reached the dizzying height of Number 73, before being re-relased in March 1984 and reaching Number 2!

I say this because of a video that is on You Tube. I will link to it, rather than embedding it, because it is SO crap that it makes the people Simon Cowell insults on American Idol and other so-called 'talent' shows look like pros!

Out of tune, out of sync with each other, discordant, and that's just the good points!

This piece of pro-McCain idiocy not only butchers a perfectly good piece of music and turns into politically biased mush, but proves conclusively that the concepts of parody and satire are completely lost on conservatives. This comes across as a pure attack video with nothing redeeming about it.

If you think your ears can stand the pain for 2 minutes 35 seconds, then go ahead. Otherwise, save your sanity! And to be honest, would you defend any of these three at a Sanity Board hearing???

Oh and perhaps they ought to consider when they choose clothes for their next bluescreen bonanza, not selecting clothes that disappear in the chromakey!!!

If I could have rated it a minus score, I would have!

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