Monday, February 02, 2009

My perspective on the snow in the UK

Snow has been falling across the UK from Kent, up to Scotland and down to Cornwall. It's been reported that this was the most extensive snowfall for around 20 years. It's certainly the first major snowfall I have seen since November 25th 2005, which was the last time we saw about 1 inch or so of snow fall. And it continues to fall as I type this.

Earlier today, I shot some footage of the snow falling, and I've uploaded it for you to see. To those who live in areas like the northern parts of British Columbia in Canada, or around the Rockies, this will look likem a small flurry to you. To us here in Cornwall, this is some serious snowfall. We rarely see any snowfall like this currently, yet in the past, I remember at one point when this kind of snowfall was a good day, not a bad one.

Depending on the conditions as things develop through the night, I might be able to bring you more footage later on. We'll see what happens.

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