Thursday, January 15, 2009

Campbell Brown: Mr President, you are wrong on Katrina.

I rarely highlight Campbell Brown's commentaries, called "Cutting Through The Bull", simply because far too often she misses far better stuff because she thinks she'll sound too much like Olbermann or O'Reilly. However, when something does punch her buttons, she does react to it, like she did on President Bush's final press conference Monday.

Unfortunately, the video cuts off too early and misses the best part, which sums up her comments nicely, so I quote it here.

"Mr. President, you cannot pat yourself on the back for that one. We will debate the war in Iraq, national security, the economy and the rest of your legacy. Those debates will continue for years to come. But on how you handled Katrina, there is no debate."

Well spoken, Campbell. More commentaries like this one that you obviously care about would help your program no end.

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