Thursday, May 01, 2008

"D.C. Madam" commits suicide in Florida.

MSNBC are amongst the many news sites at the moment reporting the death in Flordia of Deborah Jeane Palfrey. If the name rings no bells, then go back to last year, when the DC Madam scandal was dominating the political headlines in Washington. Republican Senator David Vitter from Louisiana was one of the more high profile names that got caught up in the scandal, but others did not escape scot-free either.

An official at the State Department, Randall Tobias, who was director of foreign aid programs, resigned his post after being caught in the scandal.

Of the usual blog sources that I follow, only Huffington Post has anything on the story currently, with one source suggesting that Deborah Jeane Palfrey suspercted she might be "suicided". She said she would not commit suicide, and if she was ever found dead, it was likely to have been murder. Now, whether this was paranoid ravings, or something closer to the truth, I'm not sure we'll ever know, because the Republicans, and the rest of the DC political establishment would love nothing more than to see this story buried.

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