Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo: Fallout from Clinton interview

Bill O'Reilly basically gloated about his interview with Hilary Clinton on Monday night's Factor. But as usual, he couldn't help but stick a few jibes in at MoveOn.org.

Funnily enough I checked MoveOn.org, and surprise surprise, there is no campaign on their site against Hillary Clinton. I think Bill O substitutes the word "liberals" or "progressives" with the term "MoveOn.org and their ilk", to make them sound less reputable and make the Democrats seem less electable.

The reality though is that the words of many Republicans make them and their party seem less electable everytime I hear them. The Republican Party and the conservative movement seem to heading further and further into radicalism and extremity, and that brings them closer to parties like the British National Party and the National Front, and that cannot be good for political discourse, not just in the US, but around the world.

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